Warriors Connect
An exclusive community providing peer support for those diagnosed with mental health conditions and their caregivers
Are you or someone you care for, diagnosed with a mental health condition?
Are you or someone you care for, diagnosed with a mental health condition?
Are you already a member of our community?
Are you already a member of our community?
If you are experiencing mental distress and need help right NOW, do NOT hesitate to call an emergency helpline. We have listed some of them here.
"If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community to heal the mind"
- Aparna Piramal Raje
Why Should You Join Us?
Why Should You Join Us?
Our WhatsApp Subgroups
Our WhatsApp Subgroups
(Focussed topics of Discussions)
(Focussed topics of Discussions)
Only the members of Warriors Connect have access to the content below, to uphold confidentiality
Archived Conversations
Archived Conversations